About Us
About Us
The Vintage Volkswagen Club of America (VVWCA) was founded in 1976 to serve as a network for vintage Volkswagen enthusiasts owning air-cooled cars.
In the beginning, the first vintage Volkswagens were the early split rear window cars; hence our logo features a split rear window sedan. As this hobby grows older, more Volkswagen models qualify as vintage through the production of the last air-cooled Volkswagen convertible in 1979.
The VVWCA endeavors to assist all enthusiasts of VWs in the historical, technical, and social aspects of this hobby. The VVWCA is a non-profit organization, run voluntarily by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. We operate with funds from our Pro-Member’s dues, Chapter Club dues, and our sponsors. You will see our Board Member’s names listed in this newsletter and Ads for our sponsors. Chapter clubs are listed on our website.
We invite all persons interested Volkswagens to join our club (National), and to seek-out your local chapter or VVWCA affiliate club. There are countless events that occur throughout the year which allow you to meet enthusiasts with similar VW interests and to provide the resources to help you enjoy your Volkswagen to the fullest.
WHAT WE DO: The VVWCA is the source for information pertaining to out-of-production Volkswagens or any of those that have reached vintage status. We serve as an international resource for those seeking information on air-cooled VWs. Volkswagen and other industry related companies often refer to our club when they need information as well. We are the only source you’ll need if you’re planning to buy an old Volkswagen. Our members have been restoring Volkswagens for many years, and can
provide you many resources for the preservation or restoration of your car.
WHO CAN JOIN: Although the VVWCA is primarily a vintage Volkswagen-orientated club we do not limit membership to just those people who own vintage Volkswagens. Your Volkswagen doesn’t have to be a bone-stock original model, nor does it have to be a show-winning Volkswagen. The majority of our members are simply in the VVWCA because they love VWs old and new.
Please visit our website, VVWCA.com, and join the VVWCA national club. Then, find a local chapter club or find out about events in your area. You will be happy you did.
Membership in the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America is FREE for the basic members or you can upgrade to the Pro-Membership and get discounts from our sponsors and members only prices in our Regalia shop. You will also receive 6 issues of this bi-monthly magazine (The Vintage Voice). Most importantly, you’ll also receive a wealth of information on Vintage Volkswagens, help support our hobby and our organization so it will be around for generations to come . . .