FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I need a Certificate of Insurance for all our events?
A. No, only for those events in which the venue owner requires you to provide one.
Q. Are we insured for just car show type events?
A. Pretty much any club activity other than races, etc., is covered by our limited liability policy. When in doubt, contact us.
Q. We’re a Volkswagen club but are not associated with the VVWCA. Could we buy insurance from you anyway?
A. No. The VVWCA does not sell insurance nor are we authorized to represent our insurance company. Chapter clubs earn the right to be covered under our limited liability umbrella policy. This is a benefit of being associated with the VVWCA.
Q. What does “club in good standing” mean and how does a club achieve this standard.
A. Just follow the guidelines as defined on this page. It’s really not that hard. If you’re concerned at all, contact us.
Q. Why do we have to fill out a request for club certification every year. Can’t you just use last year’s paperwork?
A. No. It just doesn’t work that way. Clubs come and go as do members and officers. We just don’t have the people power to keep track of everyone’s members. If VVWCA club benefits are important to your club, the responsibility to fill out the paperwork and verify your own members is yours. I recommend you fill out the application when you send in your chapter dues. The VVWCA will do all it can to invoice you at least 30 days prior to the due date to make it easy to remember. Please keep us informed if any e-mail addresses change, that’s how we communicate. Click here to download new form.
Q. Are we required to send to you a complete copy of our membership list. Doesn’t this violate privacy issues? What do you do with this list?
A. No you are not required to do so.
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at: president@vvwca.com, vpwest@vvwca.com, or vpeast@vvwca.com