How Does a Club Become Affiliated?

  • Application for Chapter Club designation along with a registration fee of $175.00, valid through April 30th of each year. Registration fee covers application processing costs to the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America. Application and fees must be received prior to May 1, each year. Application fees received after the deadline will be accessed an application fee of $225.00.
  • Club President and/or Vice President agrees to serve as state/regional representatives for the VVWCA.
  • Designated Chapter Club agrees to adhere to the objectives/mission of the VVWCA.

Chapter Club Benefits

  • $1,000,000, (General Aggregate-$2,000,000), Limited Liability Insurance the majority of most club events. Certificate of Insurance provided upon request. 30 day notice required. No exceptions please! Umbrella insurance policy good through April 30th.
  • Chapter club contact information listed on VVWCA website
  • FREE 1/4 page advertisement in the VintageVoice to promote CHAPTER CLUB’s primary event. (must have artwork 3 months prior).

F.Y.I. Because of the way we schedule the VintageVoice release, you must think ahead about your ad. If your show is on May 7, you want your ad ready to go into the Jan/Feb issue, the Mar/Apr issue will be too late. Ad must be submitted 60 days prior to publication.

Chapter memberships are for 12 months. You must submit an unpdated application 30 days prior to expiration.

Questions? Contact Eric Goodman, or 909-855-7625.

Chapter Application Fillable form, save to your computer, use Acrobat Reader to fill out, save and email to